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One of the best things about running your own business is the ability to set your own hours. Unfortunately, what seems initially like a perk can also become one of the worst things about owning your own business! Emails are available at all hours, your smartphone is always with you, and there's constant pressure to stay closely in touch with every aspect of the company. You can't simply turn off your computer and leave everything at the office, because your office goes with you everywhere - even on holiday.

 Many business owners have a hard time letting go when it comes to the time for a holiday, even though proper breaks from work can be crucial to maintaining peak efficiency. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make it a little easier - and who knows, you may find that your holiday workarounds become part of your regular routine.

 Learning to leave your inbox alone is probably the most important and most difficult element of holidaying for the digital business owner. Your business won't fall apart immediately just because you disable new email notifications on your phone, and you might even find yourself keeping these notifications off once you're back at work. Just be sure to set up an automatic email responder that notifies the sender that you are out of the office.

 Make use of automation systems to keep your business running smoothly! If you need to make regular social media or blog posts, use a scheduling program or service to queue up a bunch of posts before you leave. You can also set up automatic invoice reminder emails with most digital accounting software, which means you might find yourself getting paid without doing any work!

 A virtual assistant can answer the phone for you from anywhere around the world, for a reasonable price. Once you get used to the idea of delegating some of the more basic daily tasks involved in your business, a VA may wind up becoming a part of your regular routines.

 Of course, there's also the possibility of only taking a half break, or "workation" as some consultants try to name it. Keeping one eye on your email inbox just to give yourself peace of mind while you're away is fine, but remember that you're supposed to be relaxing. Give yourself an hour each morning over coffee to keep tabs on things, but no more. Be sure to honestly assess whether an email really needs to be answered immediately, or if it can wait until you're back at the office! 

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